You and me is in one relation that I honor and want to maintain it. But each us are independent personality who have own need, unique and have a right to try to fulfill the need. I’ll try to accept your attitude seriously if you try to fulfill your necessity or if you have a problem to fulfill that necessity. If you wanna divide your problem with me, I’ll try to hear and understand it with the wholeheartedly, by one condition that would be motivated you, in order you can looking for your own solve and not suspend the solving to me. If you have a single problem because of my behavior disturb your necessity fulfillment , I suggested you to tell me honestly and openly how about your feeling. At the time, I’ll hear and than try to change my behavior, if I can do that.
But if your behavior disturb my necessity fulfillment ,so hard to me to accept you, I’ll divide my problem with you and tell you everything honestly and openly as possible, how about my feel and I believe that you enough respect to my necessity so you will hear and try to change your behavior.
When we reach at one situation when no body between us that can change the behavior to fulfill others necessity and find that we have a conflict in necessity thing in our relationship, let’s keep for our self that we gonna finished that conflict without using my authority or your to win over the other defeat ruins.
As a result, you would become develop as one intact personal with fulfill your necessity, so do I. eventually our relationship is gonna be a health relation and harmony because we satisfied each other. Both of us can developing the capability and remain related each other with respect, lovely and miss each other in peace and friendship situation
Kendari, July 12 2010
I love you so much my Dad……….
i like this,, my honey,,,miss u,,,,